Supplements from reputable brands like douglas labs have always been known to improve our physical health. Even when we follow a healthy diet filled with nutrient-dense foods, there might be a few vitamins and minerals we might be deficient in. But did you know that supplements may not only help our physical health but our mental well-being, too?
If our bodies don’t function well due to nutrient deficiencies, we are more likely to develop certain conditions or ailments that can affect our mental health. Our brain is a vital organ that requires an array of vitamins and minerals to function excellently.
But how do supplements play a role here?
The Impact of Supplements on Our Mental Health
Mental health illnesses can negatively impact our lifestyle, such as depression. Depression is the most common condition linked with lacking specific vitamins, specifically folic acid and other B vitamins.
Low folate levels are connected to depression, which is why supplements containing folic acid, alongside antidepressants and a healthy diet, can help alleviate the symptoms.
There are also other vitamins from supplements like douglas laboratories that can help with your mental well-being. Before heading to Supplement First to get all the supplements you see, take a look at how each vitamin positively affects your mental health:
1. Vitamin B1
Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, memory loss, insomnia, or irritability, are usually linked to a vitamin B1 deficiency.
Our brains use vitamin B1 to convert blood sugar (glucose) into energy. If we are deficient in this vitamin, our brain won’t have enough energy to function as it should. Furthermore, it can lead to loss of appetite and fatigue.
2. Vitamin B12
This vitamin is a crucial part of forming red blood cells. If left deficient in vitamin B12, it can result in problems transporting oxygen to the blood. This can cause symptoms like confusion, irritability, paranoia, dementia, mood swings, or even hallucinations.
When you combine folate and vitamin B12 supplements, they can improve serotonin and dopamine production, critical in maintaining good mental health.
Take note that older adults are more susceptible to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Because of that, they should look into adding more of this vitamin into their diet or take it through supplements.
3. Vitamin D
A deficiency in vitamin D is linked to active depression and mood disorders. Investigations have shown the importance of vitamin D for brain development and that a lack of it can cause mental health issues.
We can naturally get vitamin D from the sun, but if not enough, we can get it through supplements.
While these vitamins are helpful in our mental health, it’s critical to note that they should not replace our medication and therapies. Do continue your course of treatment alongside these supplements!
Wrapping It Up
Now that you know more about how supplements can positively affect mental health take a look at the vitamins you need more of and the supplements you should get.
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