January 25, 2025

Root canal therapy: reasons for its use

When your root canal’s pulp, made up of soft tissue, becomes inflamed or infected, root canal therapy is required. A root canal may be necessary for some dental situations, including severe tooth decay, defective crowns, frequent dental operations, fractured or broken teeth, and others. Additionally, even if the remainder of the tooth is intact and has no apparent chips or splits, a dental injury can still cause damage to the pulp.

It can cause pain or result in an abscess if pulp irritation or infection are not treated. You can keep your natural smile, reduce your need for follow-up care, eat what you enjoy, and treat the pain and infection with endodontic therapy.  Here are some more details about the root canal in Bismarck, ND.

To Get Rid of Infection

The pulp or nerve tissue in your tooth breaks down when injured, allowing germs to grow in the pulp chamber. Bacteria and other decaying material frequently cause an infection or abscessed tooth.

Additional symptoms of a root canal infection include:

  • Swelling that spreads to different parts of the head, neck, or face
  • loss of bone towards the tips of the roots
  • Having drainage problems that radiate from the root

To Preserve the Natural Tooth Root

One of the most serious dental issues is losing a permanent tooth. Not just your grin is impacted by it. The consequences of losing even one tooth can be profound, including:

  • Oral Function Declining
  • loss of bones
  • Alignment issues and more tooth loss

Other Endodontic Procedures

Root canal therapy isn’t always a straightforward operation. For instance, apicoectomy only treats the region surrounding the last 6mm of the root canal, while retreatment addresses the full length of the canal. The procedure also uncovers undiscovered canals, removes calcium deposits, fixes root surfaces, and heals surrounding bone.

Myths about root canals

Here are some widespread misconceptions regarding root canal therapy to help you understand what is and is not true.

  • Root canal therapy is no more painful than getting a filling because of modern technology and effective anesthetics.
  • Getting a root canal requires multiple dental appointments: Most root canal procedures can now be completed by dentists in one or two office visits because of cutting-edge technology.
  • Root canals are necessary due to crowns: The necessity for root canal therapy is not brought on by crowns. If a tooth with a dental crown needs a root canal, it may have abscessed, or the decay may have reached the tooth pulp from underneath the crown.

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